Publicaciones relacionadas
Relief Maps
Rodó-de-Zárate, Maria (2014) “Developing geographies of intersectionality with Relief Maps: reflections from youth research in Manresa, Catalonia”. Gender, Place & Culture, 2014, Vol.21, (8), p.925-944.
The conceptualisation of intersectionality has been one of the most important contributions to feminism, as it allows for theorisation about multiple and intersecting oppressions. This contributes to a more complex and dynamic understanding of social relations and power structures, and it acknowledges the differences between categories, but it has no methodological direction. I try to take this debate a step forward, by developing what I have called Relief Maps: a new way of collecting, analysing and displaying intersectional data. I consider Relief Maps to be a sound tool for studying the Geographies of Intersectionality, as they show the relationship between three dimensions: power structures (the social), lived experience (the psychological) and places (the geographical). By showing some examples of them, I demonstrate how Relief Maps make empirical work on intersectionality possible and how they are able to take into account both privilege and oppression without using categories in a fixed and rigid way. Taking the spatial dimension as a central part of the analysis, they show how the relationship between power structures varies depending on places and also illustrate how subject formations are done and undone through everyday spaces. Relief Maps aim to take the potentialities of intersectionality and minimise its limitations: they intend to disrupt homogeneous categories while pointing towards the material consequences of oppression. Finally, Relief Maps also provide some insights on intersectionality itself, as they help to think about how power structures relate to each other and the role that experience and place play in these processes.
Rodó-de-Zárate, Maria (2017) “Geografies de la interseccionalitat: llocs, emocions, desigualtats” Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia. Vol. 82 p. 141-163.
La interseccionalitat és una teoria que pretén capturar les múltiples relacions entre les estructures de poder com el gènere, la raça, la classe, la sexualitat o l’edat. Actualment es considera un camp de recerca en si mateix i es concep com una de les aportacions més importants de la teoria feminista. En el camp de la geografia recentment s’està consolidant com una aproximació del tot rellevant, però les propostes teòriques i metodològiques són encara escasses. En aquest article es mostren les geografies de la interseccionalitat com a un camp de recerca fructífer i amb moltes possibilitats de desenvolupament teòric i aplicació pràctica. Amb aquesta intenció, a través de la recerca empírica sobre l’accés a la ciutat de la joventut, es presenten els Relief Maps com eina per a treballar les geografies de la interseccionalitat des d’una perspectiva geogràfica i posant especial èmfasi en la dimensió emocional com a indicador de desigualtats.
Investigación aplicada
Rodó-de-Zárate, Maria (2015) “Young lesbians negotiating public space in Manresa: an intersectional approach through places” Children’s Geographies. Vol. 13. Issue 4. p. 413-434
In this paper I analyze how different aspects of identity combine to shape the experiences of seven young lesbians in public space in Manresa, a non-metropolitan city in Catalonia. I argue that their experiences need to be understood intersectionally and spatially, as complex processes that involve the mutually constituted identities that shift in space. I focus on interviews and Relief Maps to show how these dynamics work and how they are related to larger social processes such as the heteronormalization and adultification of public space.
Rodó-de-Zárate, Maria (2015) “Managing fear in public space: young feminists’ intersectional experiences through Participatory Action Research’” Cahiers du CEDREF (online) vol.21.
In this paper I seek to contribute to feminist geographies of fear by analyzing the ways young feminists in a medium-sized non-metropolitan city of Catalonia manage fear and discomfort in public spaces. Through empirical and analytical methodologies that provide participatory insights to the intersectional and spatial experience of oppression and privilege, I examine their uses and experiences of public space focusing on the personal and collective strategies they develop to face fear and discomfort.
Rodó-de-Zárate, Maria (2015) “El acceso de la juventud al espacio público en Manresa. Una aproximación desde las geografías feministas de la interseccionalidad” Scripta Nova. Revista Electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales. vol. XIX, nº 504
La juventud es en sí misma un colectivo heterogéneo y está atravesada por diferentes identidades de género, etnicidad, orientación sexual, clase y edad. Estas identidades condicionan su forma de vivir la ciudad, restringiendo o permitiendo su acceso a ella. En este artículo analizo los usos y las experiencias de la gente joven en Manresa desde una perspectiva feminista interseccional, es decir, teniendo en cuenta sus múltiples identidades como mutuamente constituidas y vividas de forma simultánea. A través de diversas metodologías cualitativas analizo las experiencias de treinta y un jóvenes con el objetivo de ver cómo están en la calle, poniendo especial énfasis en su capacidad de negociación espacial. El miedo, el control por parte de la comunidad y la heteronormatividad aparecen como los factores más determinantes del acceso al espacio público, a la vez que se muestra la necesidad de analizar las formas de subordinación en el espacio privado para comprender las dinámicas espaciales en la esfera pública.
Rodó-de-Zárate, Maria (2016) “¿Quién tiene Derecho a la Ciudad? Jóvenes lesbianas en Brasil y Cataluña desde las geografías emocionales e interseccionales” Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero. Vol.7. Nº 1. P. 3- 20
El Derecho a la Ciudad se ha concebido como un derecho humano fundamental de aquellas personas que habitan las ciudades. Pero ¿quién tiene este derecho? Con la investigación desarrollada en Manresa (Cataluña) y en Ponta Grossa (Brasil), dos ciudades medianas no metropolitanas, analizo las negociaciones espaciales de jóvenes lesbianas en su vida cotidiana. Desde una perspectiva interseccional y emocional examino cómo sus diferentes posiciones condicionan y limitan su acceso a la ciudad. Con este estudio pretendo mostrar cómo el Derecho a la Ciudad debe conceptualizarse teniendo en cuenta las discriminaciones por razón de orientación sexual, la dimensión afectiva de la desigualdad, las múltiples opresiones que interseccionan y la (no)separación entre espacios públicos y privados.
Rodó-de-Zárate, Maria (2017) “Affective inequality and heteronormative discomforts.” Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie [Journal for Economic and Social Geography]. Vol. 108, n. 3
Focusing on empirical research carried out with young lesbians in two small cities, Manresa (Catalonia) and Ponta Grossa (Brazil), I explore their feelings of comfort and discomfort in public space from an intersectional perspective that takes into account their different positions. Besides the differences regarding the contexts, they permanently negotiate whether they show affection in public space or not, engaging with different practices to avoid discrimination such as ‘passing’ as heterosexuals. I argue that the deprivation of engaging in affective relations in public space is an instance of affective inequality, and that the relation between the private and the public space in small cities is a fundamental factor in the constitution of this inequality. By providing a distinction between systematic and circumstantial discomforts, I show how an emotional and geographical approach can provide new insights on how we address inequalities.
Rodó-de-Zárate, M and Estivill Castany, J (2016) Report: ¿La calle es mía? Poder, miedo y estrategias de empoderamiento de mujeres jóvenes en un espacio público hostil. Emakunde- Instituto Vasco de la Mujer.
El proyecto ¿La calle es mía? Poder, miedo y estrategias de empoderamiento de mujeres jóvenes en un espacio público hostil, realizado entre 2015 y 2016, tiene como objetivo analizar percepción del miedo de las mujeres jóvenes en el espacio público en Euskadi. Para alcanzar tal objetivo, se examinan las prácticas y experiencias de mujeres jóvenes pero también los roles y comportamientos de los hombres jóvenes para ver el papel de las masculinidades en la perpetuación del miedo. El énfasis se pone concretamente en las estrategias tanto individuales como colectivas para hacer frente al miedo, examinando el efecto que tiene para las mujeres tener consciencia feminista o no. Se analizan tanto las continuidades como las rupturas en la reproducción de roles y se analiza de una forma crítica la percepción del miedo como forma de opresión en sí misma.
Sierra Gil, Margarita María Fernanda (2014) "El lugar del juego en la vida cotidiana de niñas, niños y jóvenes con dis-capacidad". Maestría thesis, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Una investigación intencional para dar cuenta y hacer visible lo vivido en iniciativas por dibujar – mapear, creaciones espaciales relacionales de experiencias situadas; desde un quehacer profesional , transformado en la comprensión y la reflexión para reconocer el lugar del juego en niñas, niños y jóvenes con dis-capacidad y observar el sentir de lo lúdico situado en sus contextos culturales, políticos y sociales, en una perspectiva o visión de los avances de la sociología de la infancia, la juventud y los estudios sobre discapacidades. La investigación a partir de los diferentes recorridos se inicia con una ruta visual- dibujada (mapas de relieve) la cual a partir desde una perspectiva interseccional, configura subjetividades por unas miradas que mantienen la exclusión trazada no solo por la discapacidad, también por su edad, generación, clase social y género, aspectos que no facilitan el ser y el dejar ser en el juego así como un desconocimiento de sus capacidades En tanto se abren espacios a partir de las experiencias situadas, el mapeo y las perspectivas para describir el lugar delimitado por la discapacidad, conocer el lugar social de la niñez con discapacidad, que se sustenta y es insumo principal la acción de jugar más que una actividad, para conocer el lugar convencional del derecho al juego y reflexionar ¿a qué da derecho el juego? para conocer el lugar habitado por quienes juegan y re-pensar la acción de jugar a partir de diálogos relacionados con las capacidades y reconocer el lugar del juego en niñas, niños y jóvenes con dis-capacidad., Abstract An intentional research that makes visible what has been experienced about initiatives draw - mapping relational spatial creations from situated experiences, as part of the job from a professional activity, transformed into understanding and reflection to recognize the place of play in girls, boys and young people with disability and observe the feeling of playfulness from their cultural, political and social contexts, within a perspective or view from the progress of the sociology of childhood, youth and disability studies. Research begins with a visually-drawn route (relief maps) which from an intersectional perspective, set subjectivities by glances that maintain exclusion evidenced not only by disability, but also by age, generation, social class and gender; aspects that do not facilitate being and the let it be in the game and promote ignorance of their capabilities Spaces are opened from those situated experiences, and the mapping describes the place delimited by the disability and let to know the social position of children with disabilities, which is the main point of playing - which is more than an activity itself - useful to know the conventional right of playing and leads to reflect about what rights entails the game? The previous reflection leads to know the place inhabited by those who play and to re-think the action of playing based on dialogues about the capabilities and recognize the place of game in children and young people with dis-ability.
Hanke, W. 2016. “Espaço, Interseccionalidade e Vivência Cotidiana Gay na Cidade de Ponta Grossa, Paraná.” (Master thesis). Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa.
Essa pesquisa evidencia como os espaços podem compor a vivência cotidiana de homens gays na cidade de Ponta Grossa - Paraná, entre situações de opressão ao alívio. Para a realização dessa pesquisa, foram entrevistados oito sujeitos que se autoidentificam enquanto homens gays, apresentando idade entre 19 a 33 anos. Para isso, utilizamos tanto o conceito de espaço quanto o de interseccionalidade, relacionando-os a partir das vivências cotidianas das pessoas que aqui foram analisadas. Além disso, a sistematização dos dados que são apresentados foi feita a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas, as quais foram lançadas em um banco de dados do suíte de aplicativos livre para escritório BrOffice. A pesquisa apontou que espaços como a casa dos pais e a escola têm sido ou foram espaços em suas vivências de opressão. Isso está no fato de que as relações que as constituem têm se fundamentado por identidades hegemonicamente construídas. Esta trajetória de pesquisa também evidenciou que os espaços públicos que compõem suas vivências passam a ser de neutralidade, de acordo com comportamentos que são coniventes às suas normatividades. Já a espacialidade igreja foi representada pela maioria dos entrevistados enquanto um espaço de intersecção controversa, isso porque as constituições de suas relações são contraditórias, ou seja, ao mesmo tempo de opressão e alívio. Por fim, os espaços de alívio foram representados pela casa própria, casa dos amigos e a balada LGBT. Os resultados apontaram que os espaços de alívio têm relação com aquilo que é construído pelos próprios sujeitos e suas relações de afetividade. Os resultados da análise coletiva das vivências espaciais destes homens gays evidenciaram que mesmo as pessoas tendo vivências espaciais diferentes, ao compartilharem de determinadas identidades passam a se conectar através de um processo de solidariedade por terem também vivenciado relações de opressão ou de privilégio em suas vidas. Assim, entendemos que todos os espaços que compõem a vivência dos homens gays aqui analisados são espaços que têm em suas constituições relações de poder, fruto de hegemonias identitárias, resultado de diversos mecanismos de poder, dentre eles o de gênero.
Zamarreño Méndez, F. (2018). Propuesta para la inclusión de una perspectiva interseccional en los planes de igualdad de Barcelona. (Trabajo Final de Máster sin publicar). Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, España.
This Final Master's Thesis explores the application of the concept of intersectionality in the laws and equality plans of Barcelona, through the analysis of the 52 equality plans found in the website of the Generalitat de Catalunya for this area. Based on a review of the notion of intersectionality in the Anglo-American and Hispanic contexts, it has been demonstrated that this conception is almost unknown both theoretically and practically in the specific area of Human Resources. Although other fields of knowledge have already incorporated intersectionality as an essential tool, this does not occur the same way in the context of the Spanish work management. After the conclusions of the quantitative analysis of the plans -which show that the intersectional perspective still has an insignificant presence in the management of diversity-, an equality plan that incorporates this notion is proposed; both in the diagnosis (implementing new tools such as the Relief Maps developed by the researcher María Rodó de Zárate), as well as in some general actions that could begin to be applied in several organizations.
Castillo Rojas, Aynara (2018) Etxeko eta zaintza lanetan aritzen diren Latinoamerikako emakume etorkinen egoera: Bilboko kasua (Master thesis) Universidad del País Vasco
This dissertation has the objective of research the situation of the women from Latin America in the Basque Country, heeding the magnitude that the domestic work sector has in their experiences. The research wants to analyse the situation of those workers and know how to enable their inclusion from the area of the Social Education. In order to achieve the objective two tools based in the qualitative methodology have been used: Life History and Relief Maps. The results show that they have migrated mainly in order to improve their economic situation or to hide from gender violence situations. They repeated that the main factor in their inclusion process is the labour, among others, in despite of that they have reported the working conditions of the sector. In the same way they said that the workplace can be a problematic place as a result of receiving racist assaults or sexual harassment. They have emphasized that due to the migration process the adaptation to the new environment they have experimented empowerment and they also have pointed that what most hinders that process is the social exclusion.
Baylina, Mireia and Rodó-de-Zárate, Maria (2016) “New visual methods for teaching intersectionality from a spatial perspective in a geography and gender course”. Journal of Geography in Higher Education. Vol. 40. Issue 4. 608 – 620.
Intersectionality is a complex concept to deal with when doing research but also when teaching the interrelationships between space and social relations. Here we present “Relief Maps” as a visual tool for teaching intersectionality and its spatial dimension in higher education courses. “Relief Maps” are a model developed for research and applied in a Geography and Gender course at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) with the aim of promoting student reflection on the relationships between power structures, places and lived experiences, starting from their everyday lives.
Inken Carstensen-Egwuom (2016) “Die Methode der “Relief Maps” von Maria Rodó-de- Zárate: Intersektionalität mit Studierenden visualisieren” Feministisches Geo-RundMail. Num. 68